Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Feingold wants all his Senate colleagues to go through elections

Since I spent a long time looking at exit polls this week, and I am sure everyone else did, I decided to post about something else. This article is about Feingold and his colleagues in the Senate. He believes that some of the newly appointed member did not earn their seats and he believes all potential members should have to be elected, and not appointed.


1 comment:

  1. Nice article - it's closely related to this week's readings. It's a good idea, but after reading chapter 7 in Hetherington and Keefe, you have to wonder if enough Americans really care enough to vote. They constantly point out the fact that Americans do not vote frequently and are not exactly the most informed on issues. Either way, I do think that appointments are necessary otherwise it just becomes too complex, and I think the majority of Americans already feel there are enough campaigns already.
